
My name is Susan Katzman. I am a fertility lawyer who is available to assist you with the legal complexities of assisted reproductive technology, including donor eggs, gestational surrogacy, donor sperm, and donor embryos. I am also a parent of twins thanks to the wonder of treatment options available for those of us who face infertility.
I know this is a very personal journey and I take the time to care. As an attorney representing clients, it is my responsibility and obligation to you to ensure that all relevant issues are clearly addressed and that your focus can remain where it belongs -- on creating your family.
I am a seasoned attorney with more than 20 years of experience who has devoted the past 11 years of my career to the practice of third party reproduction law. I have been an active member of the professional advisory board of RESOLVE, and am a published author and a frequent speaker on the legal complexities of assisted reproduction.
Legal disclaimer:
The information on this website is for general information and advertising purposes. This information is not intended to be legal advice for you to rely on. We welcome your inquiries and recommend that you contact this office for specific questions. Susan Katzman is licensed to practice law in the State of California. Links to third party content are for general information only. The Law Office of Susan Katzman is not responsible for any third-party content and disclaims any responsibility for and liability with respect to the contents of any third-party sites that may be linked to this site.